Operation Safety Net (homeless shelter)

Operation Safety Net—Scioto County Homeless Shelter was founded in 1994 to serve homeless 
individuals and families in Southern Ohio.

The Homeless Task Force, composed of individuals, pastors and churches, conducted a Community Needs Assessment. Identified need led to the development of the Scioto County Homeless Shelter; however, to secure funding and grants the organization was required to obtain a 501(c)(3) non-profit status. 

To temporarily sidestep this lengthy, complex process the Task Force requested to be under the auspices of SCM, an established 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  

Today, the Shelter still operates under the auspices of SCM providing a temporary, safe, secure, clean and wholesome environment to individuals and families coping with the traumatic tragedy of homelessness. 

In 25 years of ministry, under the leadership of Agency Director Maureen Cadogan, the shelter has served over 8,700 individuals while strictly adhering to the Ohio Basic Standards for Emergency Shelter. 

The opportunities to support the homeless shelter are endless -- from material donations to volunteer opportunities. Please contact Maureen at the shelter to see what the most pressing needs currently are. 

Contact Information 
Director: Maureen Cadogan 
615 Eighth St
Portsmouth OH 45662
Phone  740-353-4085 

Fax       740-353-6940 

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